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The Seven Secret Spices:

These are the spices that I add to almost everything.
Add to any meat, beef, chicken, pork, soups, stews, sauces, and stir frys!
Season to Taste; but it might take years of experiance.

1. Lea & Perrins Orginal Worchestershire Sauce - Ten Shakes at least.

2. TABASCO Hot Sauce - Six shakes at least, more for hotter!

3. Adams Lemon Pepper - use plenty.

4. Morton Iodized Salt - use very sparingly.

5. McCormick Black Pepper - a few shakes.

6. Fiesta Extra Fancy Garlic Powder - Always use crushed Fresh Garlic if you have it! - how much can you stand?

7. Adams or Fiesta Parsley Flakes - Always use Fresh Parsley if you have it! (Add last, do not use on fried items.)

Sometimes... Sugar

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