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Crusted le Salmon:

1 to 2 pounds of Salmon Fillet
1 Thinly Sliced Lemon

Breading Mixture:

Bread Crumbs (2 heals are best)
1 Tablespoon Lemon Pepper
1/2 Tablespoon Garlic Power
1/4 Teaspoon Black Pepper
2 Pinches of Salt
1 TBS Fresh Choped Dill (optional)

Divide Salmon into serving pieces about 3 by 4 inches,
or score large Salmon in the same dimentions.
Place on baking sheet, skin side down, top with breading mixture (also do sides and bottom).

Top with Sliced Lemon and Broil or Bake at 450°F until done, 10-15 minutes.
Mixture should be crusty, and the fish flaky to the fork.
Do not over cook.

Serve with Steamed Brocolli, Steamed Summer Squash, and Saffron or White Rice.

Crusted Salmon