GPX Files:
For use with Kim's Notes for USAPhotoMaps - Points of Interest,
load them to your GPS, or edit with EasyGPS Waypoint Editor.To Download 'Right Click' on a link then 'Save Target as...'.
UTM Zone(s):ut_points.gpx - University of Texas PTS Coordinates ref.
* - Some of this data could be erroneous.
* * - All Elevation Data is Null in the above files.
File Sizes (10-19) average each about 3KB the combined (all) file is about 19KB and the archived (.zip) file is about 14KB.
The waypoint files (10-19) are broken into UTM Zones to work with USAPhotoMaps for example. Some erroneous waypoints may exist in some of the files due to data entry error(s) and or duplification and removal by the editor. As these files are hand processed, the elevation has been omited for specific reasons. For no reason are these files guaranteed or certified to be accurate and correct.
- Kim Dara