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The Solar Cube and The Flying Solar Wing:

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The Solar Cube aired on ABC News on January 6th, 2001, I suggest reading the following article first:

ABC News - Solar Energy Cubed

As the article states this is a small cube about the size of a Rubik's cube. It produces 200 watts of power, storing hydrogen fuel for use in a self-contained fuel cell for producing electrical power 24 hours a day. Estimated production cost of these cubes is $200 per cube, and it would take about ten of these cubes to power an average home; so $2000 could power your home I calculate.

Related ABC News Articles:

SunPower Corporation: - home page

AeroViroment - home page

I then would suggest using the NASA Search Engine ''with Options'' and seaching for this so called ''Solar Cube''. (No Documents Found!)

The article begins with a reference to the 'Flying Solar Wing'; so it you have never heard or seen these Flying Solar Wings here are several links to start you off with. There are thousands of pages about the Flying Solar Wing on the NASA sites, so you might want to search for the following terms yourself:

NASA Related Links:

Some Interesting Links also turned up in my searches:

Notes: I had some confusion when I frist read the ABC article; the SunPower Corporation: is not the same company as Sun Power which makes Stirling Engines. The article how ever did specify Dick Swanson, CEO of Sun Power, which should have read: ''according to Dick Swanson, CEO of Sun Power Corporation, they’re talking about the future of power being sunlight, which is free, and sand, which is probably the most prevalent material on the planet''. I also cound not find John Delfrate of NASA in any search of all NASA sites and documents whom was quoted in the ABC article: ''This energy storage system is actually a fairly elegant, simple system, we think,''. Most of all I hope you have found the relationship between The Solar Cube and The Flying Solar Wings.